On the Other Hand...

Most people are right-handed, which means they use their right hand to write, brush their teeth, pour a drink, and bat a ball.... 

However there are people that are left handed, where they do all the above tasks with their left hand.

Here are some questions for you today

1. Which hand do you use when you write, draw, brush your teeth or pour a drink?

2. How many people in your family are right-handed or left- handed? 

Extra Can you include as many family members as you can  (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents) and make a tally chart then a graph to show this information? (Kauri Whanau I know you can do this)

3If your class has 23 students and 4 of them are left-handed, how many right-handed kids are in your class?  Extra If half of those 4 left-handed kids can also write just as well with their right hands (meaning they are "ambidextrous"), how many right hands in the class can write?


  1. Mavis Henderson room224 March 2021 at 11:22

    1/ right-handed
    2/5 right-handed

  2. Hi Marvis, I am also right-handed. In my family I also have 2 members who are right-handed and 2 who are left-handed. I wonder if you can ring your grandparents or an Aunty and see how many are right or left handed in their family?

    1. Mavis Henderson room224 March 2021 at 15:59

      All my grandparents are Right-handed.
      3 aunty are Left-handed, 2 aunty is Right-handed
      2 uncles are Left-handed, 3 uncles are Right-handed
      2 cousin are Left-handed, 5 cousin are Right-handed.

      (Typing by Mavis' Mum)

  3. Travis Henderson room14 March 2021 at 15:51

    1) Right Handed
    2) All our 5 family members are all right handed.

    I asked my mum about my other family member whether they are left/right handed.

    We counted 8 out of 26 of them are left handed , 18 out of 26 of them are right handed.

    3) 19 are right handed , 21 in right handed can write.


Exciting number today!

-- Ngā mihi, Kim   Mrs Kim Madden PG Cert (Mathematics), B.Ed, Dip Tch, Dip ICT. Mathematics Specialist Teacher at Sunnyhills Primary School...