Our Maths Groups quiz - can you see how many lollies are in the bottle?


  1. Ethan has an extension question:
    " If the bottle was full of lollies to the top, how many extra lollies would you have to put in the bottle.?" Please answer in the comments.

  2. I estimate there are 48 lollies in the bottle and for the extension question I estimate 24 lollies.🍭

  3. I think there are 52 lollies in the bottle and for the extension I reckon 21.

  4. Ii think there is 40 lollies in the bottle and for the extention question i guessed 16

  5. Your estimates are all very close! Thank you for having a go!! I will announce the answers soon, so check back to see how close you are!


Exciting number today!

-- Ngā mihi, Kim   Mrs Kim Madden PG Cert (Mathematics), B.Ed, Dip Tch, Dip ICT. Mathematics Specialist Teacher at Sunnyhills Primary School...