Symmetrical patterns

You will need paper, a pencil, and scissors for these activities.

Exploring one line of symmetry

1 Take a piece of rectangular paper and fold it in half.

Sheet of


2 Draw a design on the sheet of paper from the fold edge.  You should keep as much of the fold edge as you can.

3 Write “Cut out” on the part you will cut out (see the diagrams below) and then cut it out.

4 Open to reveal your symmetric pattern.

  • The fold line for this symmetric shape is called the mirror line or line of symmetry.

  • The shape has symmetry because you can fold it exactly in half.

  • Each half is a mirror image of the other half.

Daily Challenge: Football Jersey Maths Continued...


Daily Challenge: Football Jersey Maths Continued...

Record Equations for these eleven shirt numbers? You must include all operations (+,-,x,÷,=) over the eleven equations.  Make sure they are not too long as they must fit on the back of their shirts.

1 -

2 -

4 -

5 - 

7 - 

9 -

11 -

14 -  

15 -

16 -

17 -

Exciting number today!

-- Ngā mihi, Kim   Mrs Kim Madden PG Cert (Mathematics), B.Ed, Dip Tch, Dip ICT. Mathematics Specialist Teacher at Sunnyhills Primary School...