Exciting number today!

Ngā mihi,

Mrs Kim Madden PG Cert (Mathematics), B.Ed, Dip Tch, Dip ICT.
Mathematics Specialist Teacher at Sunnyhills Primary School, 
Across School Leader, Farm Cove Kāhui Ako|Community of Learning.

17 The Crest, Pakuranga
09 576 8031

Using freshly made play dough to show our fractions 😀

Final Maths Joke for the Day!!

 "I can't remember how to write 1, 1000, 51, 6 and 500 as Roman numerals.


What other sentences could they write or find using roman numerals?

Friday's Maths Jokes

If I had six oranges in one hand and four apples in the other hand what would I have? 

Really big hands!

My all time favourite Maths joke!

Why was six afraid of seven? 

"Because seven, eight, nine!"

Do you have a favourite?

Exciting number today!

-- Ngā mihi, Kim   Mrs Kim Madden PG Cert (Mathematics), B.Ed, Dip Tch, Dip ICT. Mathematics Specialist Teacher at Sunnyhills Primary School...